Howl's Moving Castle


5 Interesting facts about this movie
  1. This film is adapted from the 1986 book Howl's Moving Castle by British fantasy writer Diana Wayne Jones.
  2. The chance to adapt to animation came in 1999. Hayao Miyazaki received the Japanese version of the novel "Magic Castle" from Tokuma Shoten(a publishing company in Japan).
  3. In 2002, Miyazaki went to Colmar and Riquewihr in Alsace, France, to study the architecture and the surroundings for the film's setting.
  4. The total number of paintings in the works is 148,786.
  5. On the second day of the release, the audience was 1.1 million, the highest opening launch ever for a Japanese movie. With 15 million audiences in six months.
Little Venice in Colmar (for location hunting)
Little Venice in Colmar
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